My name is Consuela Mitchell , My Daughter name is Vensuela Mitchell and I've been trying to get her in your program since . Last year when she was in Carlton Ele. School. I've contact Mr. Lawrence Lunsford about Vensuela Mitchell artwork, and wanted to know if it was any opening and when to sign up ? Contact me at consuela Mitchell.CM
The Community Arts Partnerships (CAP) program, of the College for Creative Studies, collaborates with Detroit community organizations to create art and design education, experiences, and resources for local youth and families in support of individual and community development.
My name is Consuela Mitchell , My Daughter name is Vensuela Mitchell and I've been trying to get her in your program since . Last year when she was in Carlton Ele. School. I've contact Mr. Lawrence Lunsford about Vensuela Mitchell artwork, and wanted to know if it was any opening and when to sign up ? Contact me at consuela Mitchell.CM
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